The Tachanigh-Kelkaith

Rakeela Windrider

Language: English

Published: Apr 25, 2023


A journey through mountains, mists, forests, snow...and magical terrain that can be changed at the whim of a landgod.

In the villages of Denxalue, fledgling trader Denziu sees artistic talent where the rest of the world sees a pit of wallowing mud dragons. The local artisans create vessels for grain that they sell for next to nothing as mere storage pots but Denziu dreams of selling the pieces as fine art to prove their true value. To make this dream reality, zie must trek the Tachanigh-Kelkaith, the trade route to the northernmost marketplace in the world--a cold, affluent city not made for a dragon used to warm swamps--via places the young dragon has only read about in books. The prospective journey excites Denziu as much as selling the pots, and soon every ounce of Denziu's savings goes to two things: a questionable luck charm and a spot on a trade caravan that will make the trip on foot.

Bad luck seems to strike early, and it isn't long before Denziu questions whether the luck charm is instead a form of sabotage. But while Denziu is new to the business of trading, zie didn't invest an entire life's savings to give up so soon. Besides, success means everyone will see Denxalue with new eyes! With so much at stake as the miles pass and the hardships increase, will zie be able to hold on to that optimistic dream? Or will Fate send Denziu home disillusioned and empty-handed?